Liquid Loading sub-tab

In this sub-tab, you can monitor your forecasts for liquid loading.

Before you can use this sub-tab, you need a model for your wells (analytical or numerical) and a forecast of future gas production. For information on theory, see liquid loading monitor theory and liquid lift calculations.

Note:   This feature works with your Harmony Optimize™ license.

Predict liquid loading in the forecast for drop-down list — select an analytical or numerical model with a valid forecast.

Calculate button — click this button to calculate the date of liquid loading for each well (or scenario) in the list. These calculations are saved to the database.

Liquid Loading Date — the time at which the forecasted rate falls below the theoretical liquid loading rate.

Forecast Step — indicates the timestep in the forecast that corresponds to the date of liquid loading.

Gas rate — the predicted gas rate at the time of liquid loading. Note that this is the rate from the model's forecast, not the threshold liquid loading rate.

Diameter — the wellbore diameter used to determine the liquid loading rate.

Productivity — calculated from the forecast data with the following equation:

Drawdown — calculated from the forecast data with the following equation:

Create custom group from selections — see grouping wells. (This works the same way as the Production vs Forecast sub-tab.)

Column sorting

By default, the earliest date of liquid loading is displayed first. You can sort tabular data by clicking the column headers. The first six columns are frozen, so you can keep track of key information as you scroll horizontally.

Status column

The Status column provides information before and after calculations are performed.

  • A red status indicates a calculation problem. Commonly this means that you have not selected a model with a valid forecast. To fix this, you may need to select a model from the drop-down list, or you may need to go to the Analysis tab for that well and create a valid model with a forecast.
  • An orange status indicates that the calculation is either ready to proceed, or it has completed but this well may not be a good candidate for a liquid loading investigation (for example, the wellbore is pumping, or it is on gas lift at the time of liquid loading).
  • A blank status indicates there are no issues.

Tip:   If you export or import wells with an .hldb file, the data in this tab is not saved. To have this data, you need to recalculate.