Meeting AER Initial Deliverability Requirements

To meet Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) requirements:

1. Perform a deliverability test.

If the well’s absolute open flow (AOF) potential is greater than 300,103 m3/d, a multi-rate test, such as a modified isochronal test is required*. Otherwise, a single-point test, such as a flow and buildup test is acceptable. Since the well’s potential is unknown prior to the test, it is important to use good judgement and review analog wells when designing the test.

2. Perform an AOF analysis.

3. Generate and submit a PAS TRG file paying special attention to the fields in the AER PAS / AOF - IPR Results Summary tab.

*If a single-point deliverability test, such as a flow and buildup, is performed and the AOF of the well is greater than 300,103 m3/d, an application for an exception to the rule can be made to the AER. If the application is approved, and the exception granted, the AER provides a Single Point Authorization Number. This number is then entered in the Single-point Authorization field in the AOF / IPR Results Summary tab, and the PAS file is accepted, and the initial deliverability requirement for that well is met.

Note:    If the well is producing inline, a minimum of 14 days (336 hrs) of initial production with measured wellhead pressures must be entered in the Production Editor tab. There must be at least 28 lines of data spanning the (minimum of) 14 days of production. The resultant PAS TRG file also fulfills the initial production requirement.