Well Linking Criteria dialog box

This dialog box is commonly used when you import well data from a database. Incoming well data is linked to existing wells using attributes.

Selected attributes are used to link / merge incoming wells, and are ranked in order of priority.

To include attributes from the linking process, select their checkboxes. To exclude attributes, deselect their checkboxes. To change the order of priority, click the attribute you want to change, and then click the Move Up or Move Down buttons.

Settings are saved within the Harmony Enterprise project database for the current database connection. In order to share your settings, you need to click the Export Criteria button. You can then share the .wlc file with colleagues.

You can import an .wlc file by clicking the Import Criteria button (similar to sharing a template) .

To go back to the settings in the Options dialog box, click the Reset to Global Options button.

Note:    For a given database connection, Harmony Enterprise saves the linking criteria, and this is available to all users who use that connection for their project database. To apply the linking criteria to database connections created later, you can import the .wlc file.