Updating existing wells

When you import wells, Harmony Enterprise checks for links to existing wells, so you can merge existing data, instead of creating new wells. Linking is done using the Entity Headers in the Attributes tab (excluding custom headers). Merging new data to existing wells is handled by your settings in the Options dialog box, Well Linking node.

The following identifiers are used based on the various import types.

Import Format Order of identifiers for linking
Database connection Internal Harmony Well Key
External Well Key
API Number
Sandface DLS
Sandface NTS
Entity Name
Prod ID
Entity No
Entity Alias Name
Enerdeq, Dwights files, PowerTools

API Number
Prod ID

Harmony file, .hldb file Internal Harmony Well Key
API Number
Sandface DLS
Sandface NTS
Entity Name
External Well Key
Prod ID
Entity No
Entity Alias Name
IHDC Sandface DLS
Sandface NTS
Prod ID
Merak and Lasser
(.mer, .axp, .mxp, .vna, and .prn files)
Sandface DLS
Sandface NTS
API Number
Piper Forecasts Internal Harmony Well Key
Text (all text files excluding Dwights) Well Identifier
Sandface DLS
Sandface NTS
API Number
Prod ID
Entity Name
Prod ID
Entity Alias Name
Entity No
External Well Key
WellTest ) Entity Name

Note:   All of the import formats are read-only except for text files and Harmony files. Applying changes in the Options dialog box applies changes globally.

If there are well-matching ambiguities, your input is required. In these cases, the Link Incoming Wells to Existing Wells dialog box opens.