Accounting for Changing Rock & Fluid Properties in the Oil URM

The classical unconventional reservoir model (URM) analysis for oil is performed under the assumption that the variation of oil properties (compressibility, viscosity, formation volume factor) with pressure is negligible; therefore this variation is not taken into account.

To account for the variation of oil properties with pressure (on square-root-time plots and on the FMB plot), select the Changing Properties (Pseudo-Pressure) option. Calculations performed when this option is selected are based on using oil pseudo-pressure and are described in Accounting for Variation in Rock and Fluid Properties in the Oil URM (theory). Calculations use the oil properties that are set in the Properties Editor.

If you chose to account for the variation in properties using pseudo-pressure, you can access these additional options: GeoMechanical, Use Corrected Pseudo-Time, and Changing Oil Saturation.