Analysis Tab

The Analysis tab displays worksheets that have associated analyses. If you launch an entity that has no worksheets attached to it, the worksheet area displays analysis thumbnails, enabling you to create a new worksheet. See Analysis Tab Tasks for additional information.

When an entity is launched for analysis, the worksheet tab displays the name of the entity being analyzed. For a single well, this is the well name; for a group, the group name is displayed.

You can create multiple worksheets per entity, but only one entity can be open in the Analysis tab at one time — launching a new entity saves and closes the previous entity's analyses. However, you can float the Analysis tab in order to keep it open while continuing to launch another entity. In this way, you can have multiple active entities open in separate floating windows.

Analysis Manager

From the Analysis Manager pane, you can display and manage the analyses that are associated with a worksheet. See Analysis Manager Tasks for additional information. Analyses are listed in the order in which they are added. Beneath each analysis name are the results derived from the analysis followed by the analysis type in bold type.

Note:   This pane is only displayed on worksheets that can contain multiple analyses. These include IHS DeclinePlus, IHS VirtuWell, and some IHS CBM worksheets.

Analysis types that have a forecast associated with them (such as a Typecurve) are listed in the Analysis Manager, but cannot be removed or manipulated there. All other worksheet types only have a single analysis embedded in the worksheet, and therefore do not use the Analysis Manager.

Analysis Parameters Pane

This pane is only displayed on decline and type well analyses.

The Analysis Parameters pane displays the data related to an analysis selected in the Analysis Manager. (This pane displays the parameters of only one analysis at a time.) Changes made to data in the Analysis Parameters pane are reflected in the Analysis Manager, and on the displayed worksheet.

To display the Analysis Parameters pane, select the analysis type under the analysis name in the Analysis Manager.

When you create an Analytical, Numerical, or PSS model, the Apply Defaults icon is displayed.

Clicking the Apply Defaults icon initializes values to those in another analysis. Click the Apply Defaults icon (), and then select an option from the drop-down menu.

The fields are populated using default values.

Multi-Segment Analysis Parameters

If you select Multi Segment in the Analysis Manager, two segments will be populated.

These segments include input fields for the b method, which can be helpful when best-fitting an analysis.

Analog Wells

This tab is only displayed on decline worksheets for oil / gas / water wells, and is only available for the primary fluid of the selected well. When analyzing multilayer wells, this feature is also available at the layer level. See Analogs for general information.

From the Analog Wells tab, you can compare data from the selected well to data from similar / analogous wells. Displaying analog wells on the plot is only a visual aid for comparing ell data. It does not influence either the analysis, or the best fit.

Note:   See Comparing Wells from the Analog Wells Tab for additional information.

Plot Selection

This tab is only displayed on decline and ratio analysis worksheets.

From the Plot Selection tab, you can add or remove plot axes during an analysis.

Selecting a variable's name, or dragging-and-dropping it onto the plot, adds that variable as an axis. Remove an axis by deselecting the variable's name in the Plot Selection tab.


This tab is only displayed on type well worksheets. For information on this tab, see Datasets Plot Options.

From the Datasets tab, you can change the axis selections for the current worksheet.


This tab is only displayed on type well worksheets. For information on this tab, see Removing Outlier Wells in the Wells Pane.

From the Wells tab, you can add / remove wells in both the Type Well display and the calculation of the average Type Well line.